Let’s chat!
I encourage you to schedule a quick call with me so that I can answer any questions you may have and we can find out if we could be a good fit.
At the end of the call, I promise not to put you on-the-spot and ask if you’d like to schedule.
I believe its really important you have time to reflect and make a decision that feels best for you.
If you decide the fit feels right, I trust you’ll reach out when you are ready.

Don’t have 15 minutes?
Hate calls with strangers?
You can also send me an email at: laurel@grangercounselingllc.com
Email and confidentiality
While email is a convenient method of communication, it has limitations. For example, there is no way for you to be sure I have received your message and you cannot be assured of confidentiality.
Email is not an appropriate way to communicate an urgent need, particularly a crisis. If you are in crisis, please utilize a 24 hour crisis support service, which you can find listed under Resources.